La Formatrice - Diplômes et CV bouddhiste
BEESAPT / Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur Sportif 1er Degré Activités Physiques pour Tous (équivalent actuel du BPJEPS APT) - Ministère Jeunesse et Sports - 1992
Maître Reiki - 1997
Sophrologue Praticienne - 2012
Pratiques traditionnelles tibétaines - Arts traditionnels de Bien-Etre tibétains
Formatrice et professeure de yoga tibétain Lu Jong 1
Formatrice et professeure Pratiques tibétaines des Cinq éléments
Formatrice et professeure de Tog Chöd 1 et 2, la danse de l'épée de Sagesse
Professeure de Shiné, méditation traditionnelle tibétaine Shamatha
Professeure de yoga tibétain Lu Jong 2
Instructrice de yoga tibétain Kum Nyé
Praticienne Tsa Lung de Guérison
Arts traditionnels thailandais
Formatrice et professeure de yoga thaïlandais Ruesi Dat Ton
Praticienne en massage traditionnel thailandais Nuad Boran nieau 1 - 2 - 3 - 4a - 4b
Formatrice de praticiens en massage traditionnel thailandais Nuad Boran niveau 1
Praticienne en reflexologie plantaire thai
Praticienne massage compresses chaudes aux herbes thai
Praticienne massage au marteau Tok Sen pour le Corps
Praticienne massage au marteau Tok Sen pour le Visage
CV Bouddhiste
1997 :- Refuge with Gyuto Lasur Rinpoche Geshe Thubten Tenzin (Gelugpa) - Darwin - Australia
1997 - The 3 principal aspects of the path - Gyuto Lasur Rinpoche Geshe Thubten Tenzin (Gelugpa) - Darwin - Australia
1997-98 : Study of « Path to Enlightenment in Tibetan Buddhism » of Geshe Acharya Thubten Loden (teachings drawn primarily from Je Tsong Khapa’s Great Exposition of the Stages of the Path and Phabongkha Rinpoche’s Liberation in the Palm of your Hand) - Gyuto Lasur Rinpoche Geshe Thubten Tenzin (Gelugpa) - Darwin - Australia
1997-98 : self-retreat - I set my self in what i can now call a retreat. Meditating 5 sessions of 45mn to 1 hour per day, everyday, for nearly a year and in between, 100% of my time dedicated to studies or receiving teachings from Gesh Thubten Tenzin
1998 : Green Tara empowerment and practice - Lama Choedak Rinpoche (Sakya) - Darwin - Australia
1998 : Blue Medecine buddha empowerment and practice - Lama Choedak Rinpoche (Sakya) - Darwin - Australia
1998 : Shine (Samatha) - Lama Choedak Rinpoche (Sakya) - Darwin - Australia
1998 : Diplôme de praticienne Usuï Shiki Ryoho niveau "Cho Den" et "Okugi Den ».
Lignée : Mikao Usui / Chujiro Hayashi / Hawayo Takata / Paul Michell / Florina Tumminello / Valérie Lobsang Gattini
2002 - 2 days teachings - (I forgot what teaching it was.. Was introduction to Kalachakra transmission which went cancelled during the event as HH went sick and was taken to Delhi for observation) — His Holiness Dalaï Lama - Bodhgaya - India
2003 - 3 days - Teachings on the 37 Practices of a Boddhisattva + Lamp of the Path to Enlightenment - His Holiness Dalai Lama - Bodhgaya - India
2003 - 3 days - Je Tsongkhapa’s text « The Foundation of All Qualities » - His Holiness Dalaï Lama - Tabo monastery - Spiti - India
2011 : Formation 1 an + Diplôme de Sophrologue praticienne communication PNL.
2012 : Maître Praticienne Usuï Shiki Ryoho 3ème degré.
Lignée : Mikao Usui / Chujiro Hayashi / Hawayo Takata / Phyllis Lei Furumoto / Carol Farmer / Leah Smith / William L Rand / Nita Mocanu / Cesira Andreoni / Christine Veyrenche / Valérie Lobsang Gattini
2015 - 12 sessions in 12 months : "The true source of healing » - Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche (Bön Zhang Zhung) - online teaching on monthly basis and practice in between each monthly meeting
2015 : 8 weeks program Mindfullness Stress Reduction (MBSR).
26 juillet 2015 : Padmasambhava Guru Yoga Empowerement - Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche
June 2016 - Lu Jong Teacher training (12 days) and Masterclass - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International
September 2016 - Chenrezig Empowerment in the form of « Nine-Deity Great Compassionate Lord of the World », a pure vision of the 5th Dalaï Lama (Nyingma teaching) - His Holiness Dalaï Lama - Strasbourg - France
September 2016 - 1 day - Nagarjuna’s ‘Commentary on Bodhichitta - His Holiness Dalaï Lama - Strasbourg - France
October 2016 - 2 days - Tibetan medicine and astrology - Dr Passang Dhondup, doctor, and Mrs Sonam Palmo, astrologer, from Men-Tsee-Khang - Shedrub Choekhor Ling monastery - Salève, France
December 2016 - 2 days - ‘Discovering inner joy through the Tibetan sacred sounds » - Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche (Bön Zhang Zhung) - Bourg en Bresse - France
January 2017 - Kalachakra Empowerment - His Holiness Dalaï Lama - Bodhgaya - Inde
January 2017 - 3 days - Shantideva’s A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life (chodjug) + Kamalashila's The Middling Stages of Meditation (gomrim barpa) (Bodhgaya Kalachakra) - His Holiness Dalaï Lama - Bodhgaya - Inde
February 2017 - Tog Chöd Teacher training (12 days) and Masterclass - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International
July 2017 - Tibetan yoga Kum Nyé level 1 Instructor under Tarthang Tulku lineage (Nyingma) (6 months practice with 1 hour morning / 1 hour afternoon, 7 days a week + 2 retreats of 10 days each)
September 2017 - 7 days - Lu Jong 2 retreat - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) + Refuge with Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Belgium
October 2017 - 2 days - Tibetan medicine and astrology with Men-Tsee-Khang doctor and astrologer - Shedrub Choekhor Ling monastery - Salève, France
February 2018 - Lung of Manjushri praise - Lama Kempo Tengon (Gelugpa) - Shedrub Choekhor Ling monastery - Salève, France
June 2018 - 24 days pilgrimage/travel - Mount Kailash Kora - Western Tibet (I include the Kora into teachings are Kora is not a trekking... specially in this place... we we are aware, it works as teaching....)
June 2018 - 7 days - Lu Jong 1 Educator retreat and diploma - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Barcelona - Spain
Août 2018 - 7 days - Kum Nye Retreat - Arnaud Maitland (Nyingma) - Le Temple sur Lot, France
Octobre 2018 : 3 days - Chandrakirti’s Entering into the Middle Way (Uma Tsawa Sherab) - His Holiness Dalaï Lama - Mcleod Ganj - Inde
Octobre 2018 : 1 day - Permission (Jenang) of Avalokiteshvara Who Liberates from the Lower Realms + Renewal of Bodhisattva vows + Reading of Je Tsongkhapa’s ‘Three Principal Aspects of the Path’ - His Holiness Dalaï Lama - Mcleod Ganj - Inde
October 2018 : 8 days - Lung and Wang of Accomplishing Sukhavati (Dechen Shindrup) + Lung and Wang of Amithaba Phowa (Transference of consciousness) (Dechen Shindrup Phowa) + Lung and Wang of Chöd : the Magical net of Samantabhadra - His Holiness Lho Ontul Rinpoche (Drikung Kagyu and Nyingma Vajra Master) - Wogmin Thubten Shedrup Ling monastery - Tso Pema - India
27th October 2018 : Ngakma ordination given by His Holiness Lho Ontul Rinpoche (Driking Kagyu and Nyingma Vajra Master) - inside Guru Rinpoche Cave - Tso Pema - India
November 2018 - 2 days - Commentary of the Lojong « Training of the Mind in eight Points » composed by Geshe Langri Tangpa (1054-1123) - Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche (Gelugpa) - Saviese - Switzerland
February 2019 to Spring 2020 (about 200 hours) : Nalanda Diploma Course, 1st batch 2019/20 - Geshe Dorji Damdul (Gelugpa) - Tibet House - Delhi - India
Février 2019 : 2 days - Lung « The Words of My Perfect Teacher » de Patrul Rinpoche - Namkha Rinpoche (Nyingma) - Centre Thegchok Ling - Lausanne - Switzerland
March 2019 : 2 days - Interpreter of « Basic Tibetan Medecine course » given by Dr Drungtso from the Drungtso Tibetan Medical and Astrological Center invited by Centre de pratique Energetique Tibétaine - Saint-Gervais-les-Bains - France
Mai 2019 : 1 day - Lung Black Dzambala and 8 verses - 7ème Kyabjé Yongzin Ling Rinpoché (Gelugpa) - Shedrub Choekhor Ling monastery - Salève, France
June 2019 - 7 days - Tog Chöd Educator retreat and diploma - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Maria Alm - Austria
June 2019 - 7 days - 9 Secret Kalachakra Tsa Lung Exercises - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Maria Alm - Austria
September 2019 : 5 days - Traditional Tibetan Medecine Online live Intensive Seminar - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International
End 2019 : 1 day - The Noble Mahayana Sutra : the wisdom of the Hour of Death - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International
End 2019 : 3 days - Rigpa Online Retreat - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International
August 2020 - 1 day - Update/Transmission for Tibetan Five Elements Practices Teacher & Educator - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International
June to December 2020 (2 days + 10 sessions) : Teaching on Tummo Inner Fire - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International
Janvier 2021 : 2 days - Ngöndro teachings + Wang et Lung Vajravarahi - Hi Holiness Kyapong Ngawang Tenzin Rinpoche (Drukpa Kagyu Vajra Master) - Buthan
February 2021 - 3 days - Lu Jong 1 Masterclass - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International
2021 - Wang Cakrasamvara - Drupon Rinchen Dorje Rinpoche (Drikung Kagyu Vajra Master)
Spring 2021 - Shine - Traditional Buddhist Meditation Teacher training (6 days) and diploma - Maike Decok - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International
June to September 2021 - Lu Jong 2 Teacher training (94 hours) and diploma - Eva Furrer - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International
Spring 2021 - 6 days : Six Yogas of Naropa - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International
Spring 2021 - 2 days + 7 sessions : Teaching on Tummo Bliss - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International
Spring 2021 - 1 day : One-syllable Prajnaparamita Sutra - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International
Juin 2021 - Wang Kurukulla + Teaching on the Six Bardos - HE Garchen Rinpoche (Drikung Kagyu Vajra Master)
Summer 2021 - Translation of the Teacher’s Tog Chöd Manual from English to French published by Nangten Menlang International
September 2021 to August 2022 (about 200 hours) : Nalanda Diploma Course, 3rd batch 2021/22 - Geshe Dorji Damdul (Gelugpa) - Tibet House - Delhi - India
Sept to December 2021 - 9 sessions - Teaching on Tummo non conceptual mind - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International
September 2021 - 3 days - Lu Jong 1 Masterclass - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International
September 2021 - 2 days - Lu Jong 2 Masterclass - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International
September 2021 up to August 2022 : Nalanda Master Course (Psychology, Lam Rim, Philosophy), 3rd batch 2021/22 (about 200 hours at all) — Geshe Dorji Damdul - Tibet House - Delhi - India
October 2021 - 1 day - Tog Chöd Masterclass - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International
January 24th to 28th 2022 - 20 hours - Debate Winter School 5 days Online crash course - Organized by Sera Jey Monastic University (Gelugpa) (Karnataka, India) and University of Groningen, The Netherlands
January/February 2022 - Lo Jong - Mahayana Seven Points Mind Training - Commentary by H.E. Lho Ontul Rinpoche - Wogmin Thubten Shedrup Ling monastery - Tso Pema - India
January to June 2022 - Study and practice of Buddhist meditation, philosophy and psychology Part 1 (100 h) - Maya - Geshe Lobsang Samten - Paramita Center - Quebec - Canada
January to December 2022 - The Life Story of Jetsun Milarepa and Meditation Instruction + Commentary on the 100,000 songs of Milarepa - Teachings with Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche - Chicago Ratna Shri - USA
January 2022 to December 2022 : Les étapes de la voie / LAM RIM intermédiaire - 1st year of Basic Program studies FPMT Kalachakra Center (PEBA) - Geshe Dakpa Tsundu - Kalachakra Center - Paris - France
February 2022 - Vajravarahi - Tummo Generation Stage Practice of Vajravarahi Deity Yoga - His Holiness Kyapong Ngawang Tenzin Rinpoche (Drukpa Kagyu Vajra Master) - Buthan - Nangten Menlang International
March 2022 - Two Truths - Commentaries on Nāgārjuna’s Mūlamadhyamakakārikā - Commentary by H.E. Lho Ontul Rinpoche - Wogmin Thubten Shedrup Ling monastery - Tso Pema - India
April-May 2022 - Creation & Completion Stages of Deity Yoga - Commentary by H.E. Lho Ontul Rinpoche - Wogmin Thubten Shedrup Ling monastery - Tso Pema - India
August 2022: Les 12 liens d'interdépendance / The twelve links of dependent origination - 1st year of Basic Program studies FPMT Kalachakra Center (PEBA) - Geshe Dakpa Tsundu - Kalachakra Center - Paris - France
Août 2022 - Wang Lung Tri of Chime Phakme Nyingtik, The Heart Essence of the Sublime Lady of Immortality - His Holiness 41st Sakya Trizin Ngawang Kunga Rinpoche in presence of 42nd Sakya Trizin Ratna Vajra Rinpoche - Cadempino/Lugano - Switzerland (organised by Thupten Changchup Ling, Arosio, Switzerland)
Août 2022 - Four Basic thoughts which turn the mind toward Liberation - 1st module - 3 days online Retreat within the Repa Program - Chogyal Rinpoche
Septembre 2022 - Tsa Lung Healing Therapy retreat - Dr Passang Arya - Tibetan Medecine Educational Center - Jaun - Switzerland
September to February 2022 - Study and practice of Buddhist meditation, philosophy and psychology Part 2 (100 h) - Maya / Geshe Lobsang Samten - Paramita Center - Quebec - Canada
Décembre 2022 - Vajrasattva / Dorje Semba - 2nd module - 3 days online Retreat within the Repa Program - Chogyal Rinpoche
Décembre 2022 - 3 days - Nagarjuna's Commentary on Bodhicitta (jangchup semdrel) + Blessing of 21 Tara (doma 21 jenang) - His Holiness Dalaï Lama - Bodhgaya - Inde
January 2023 to December 2023 : LO RIG - Esprit et Cognitions / Explication de la présentation des objets et des possesseurs d'objets ainsi que des connaissances et cognitions par Purbuchok / Mind and Cognition - Module 2 - 2nd year of Basic Program studies FPMT Kalachakra Center (PEBA) - Geshe Dakpa Tsundu - Kalachakra Center - Paris - France
February 2023 - Guru Rinpoche empowerment from the lineage of Apam Terton, previous incarnation of H.H. the 41st Sakya Trichen - His Holiness the 43rd Sakya Trizin Gyana Vajra
February 2023 - 2 days - Orange Manjushri empowarement + teaching "Parting from the Four Attachents" (mind training text revealed to the 3rd Sakya Trizin by Manjushri himself) - Lama Choedak Rinpoche
Avril 2023 - Mandala Practice - 3rd module through 3 days online Retreat within the Repa Program - Chogyal Rinpoche
July 2023 - Guru Yoga - 4th module through 3 days online Retreat within the Repa Program - Chogyal Rinpoche
August 2023 : The Wheel of Sharp Weapons by Dharmarakshita / L’entrainement de l’esprit dans le Mahayana : La roue aux lames acérées - Module 3 - 2nd year of Basic Program studies FPMT Kalachakra Center (PEBA) - Geshe Dakpa Tsundu - Kalachakra Center - Paris - France
November 2023 - Vajrakylaya - 5th module through 3 days online Retreat within the Repa Program - Chogyal Rinpoche
January 2024 to Juin 2024 : BODDHISATTVACHARYAVATARA de Shantideva - Module 4 - 3rd year of Basic Program studies FPMT Kalachakra Center (PEBA) - Geshe Dakpa Tsundu - Kalachakra Center - Paris - France
April - May - June 2024 - Thailand :
Ruesi Dat Ton Thai yoga Instructor and Teacher - Master Kraijakkri Rungrojsakulporm - Bangkok
Nuad Bo'Rarn Practitionner levels 1 - 2 - 3 - 4a - 4b - International Training Massage School - Chiang Mai
Nuad Bo'Rarn Instructor level 1- International Training Massage School - Chiang Mai
Thai foot reflexology practitioner - International Training Massage School - Chiang Mai
Hot Thai Herbal compress massage practitioner - Spa Mantra School - Chiang Mai
Tok Sen hammer massage practitioner for the Body and the Face - Spa Mantra School - Chiang Mai
Septembre 2024 to Juin 2025 : Les vues philosophiques selon les 4 écoles - Module 5 - 4th year of Basic Program studies FPMT Kalachakra Center (PEBA) - Geshe Dakpa Tsundu - Kalachakra Center - Paris - France
Traductions-Ecrits / Translation works-Writtings
2021 - Manuel de Tog Chöd pour les Enseignants - edition Nangten Menlang International - Traduction depuis l’Anglais vers le Français. / Tog Chöd Manual for Teachers - Nangten Menlang International edition - Translation from English to French.
2024-2025 - 2 ouvrages en cours de rédactions